The "MOLCH" originated at the beginning of the last century in the Manufactory of Bernburg after
an inquiry to the cleaning of long conduits.
The concept "molchen" is worldwide, up to the today, among experts syno-
nym, not only for pipe cleaning.
The developments and patents find application in wide areas of the economy,
in water supply, sewage disposal, chemical and petrochemical industry and
much more.
Today own manufacturing protects innovative solutions that our area receives service for every
pipe cleaning task the special "MOLCH".
pipe cleaning, long-distance lines, first and firm cleaning, molchtechnology,
system consultation, logistics know-how.
Gartenstraße 29
06406 Bernburg (Saale)
fon +49 (0)3471 3468 0
fax +49 (0)3471 3468 20
Thomas Langbein
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